Wasabi Wallet | Desktop - Windows - Choose your wallet

Wasabi Wallet stands out as a privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet, offering users a tool to enhance the privacy and fungibility of their Bitcoin transactions. Its innovative use of CoinJoin and commitment

Wasabi Wallet is an open-source, privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet that prioritizes anonymity and fungibility. It aims to enhance the privacy of Bitcoin transactions by implementing various privacy features, such as CoinJoin and Coin Control. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, here are key features and aspects of Wasabi Wallet:

Key Features of Wasabi Wallet:

  1. CoinJoin:

    • Wasabi Wallet uses a privacy technique called CoinJoin, where multiple transactions are combined into a single transaction. This process helps obfuscate the origin and destination of individual Bitcoin transactions, enhancing privacy.

  2. Chaumian CoinJoin:

    • Wasabi Wallet's implementation of CoinJoin is based on Chaumian CoinJoin, a privacy protocol that allows participants to jointly create a transaction without revealing which inputs and outputs belong to each participant.

  3. Utxo Management (Coin Control):

    • Wasabi Wallet provides users with control over their Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs). This feature, known as Coin Control, allows users to select specific UTXOs for transactions, enhancing privacy and control over their funds.

  4. Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallet:

    • Wasabi Wallet is an HD wallet, which means it generates a hierarchical tree-like structure of keys from a single seed. This simplifies the backup and restoration process while maintaining security.

  5. Tor Integration:

    • Wasabi Wallet integrates with the Tor network, allowing users to connect to the Bitcoin network through the Tor anonymity network. This helps in further masking the user's IP address and enhancing privacy.

  6. Fee Control:

    • Users have control over transaction fees, allowing them to customize fees based on their preferences and the urgency of the transaction.

  7. Labeling and Address Reuse Avoidance:

    • Wasabi Wallet includes features for labeling transactions, helping users keep track of their spending. It also encourages users to avoid address reuse, contributing to privacy best practices.

  8. User-Friendly Interface:

    • The wallet is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced Bitcoin users.

  9. Open Source:

    • Wasabi Wallet is open-source, meaning that its code is publicly available for scrutiny and audit by the community. This transparency contributes to the trustworthiness of the wallet.

  10. Fungibility Emphasis:

    • Wasabi Wallet places a strong emphasis on Bitcoin fungibility, which is the idea that each Bitcoin is indistinguishable from any other. This is crucial for the widespread acceptance and use of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange.

  11. Active Development and Community Engagement:

    • The development team behind Wasabi Wallet maintains an active presence in the Bitcoin community, engaging with users, addressing issues, and continuously improving the wallet.

Using Wasabi Wallet:

  1. Download and Install:

    • Users can download the Wasabi Wallet software from the official website and install it on their desktop.

  2. Create a New Wallet:

    • Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new wallet. This typically involves setting up a password and backing up the wallet seed.

  3. Deposit Bitcoin:

    • Users can deposit Bitcoin into their Wasabi Wallet, and the wallet will automatically mix the coins using the CoinJoin process.

  4. Send and Receive Transactions:

    • Use the wallet to send and receive Bitcoin transactions while benefiting from the privacy features implemented by Wasabi.

  5. Privacy Best Practices:

    • Follow best practices for privacy, such as avoiding address reuse, using Coin Control, and being mindful of transaction inputs and outputs.


Wasabi Wallet stands out as a privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet, offering users a tool to enhance the privacy and fungibility of their Bitcoin transactions. Its innovative use of CoinJoin and commitment to privacy make it a popular choice for those seeking enhanced financial privacy within the Bitcoin ecosystem. As with any cryptocurrency tool, users should stay informed about updates and best practices to ensure a secure and private experience.

Last updated